Screen Addiction in Children

Monday - 10 Feb 2020 by pedsvij0

We all have been gifted with a pair of eyes as sense organs of sight to enjoy the world around us and it is our duty to protect ourselves and our children from the overuse of the screen.

Today’s children and even adults are immersed in the well of digital media which has a powerful impact on the all round development of the child. Not only the blue light from our phones, ipads, laptops, tablets harm the eyes but also affect the other systems too.

  • It reduces the face to face social interaction of children hampering their language development.
  • Affects the quality of sleep.
  • It decreases the physical activity and kids get prone to obesity and heart disease.
  • There is lack of attention among children.
  • Children suffer from postural defects like anterior text syndrome.

Various academic groups like American Academy of  Pediatrics  and WHO have given recommendations for screen time in children.

< 18months – should only be allowed to watch screen with family members- parents, grandparents to make them understand what they watch with an educational aim.

2-5 years limit screen time to 1 hour in 24 hours.

Use of digital media should be restricted while eating and one hour before sleep.

Much more needs to be done for the children of developing countries to prevent them from short and long term consequences of screen addiction.

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